Sunday, 2 November 2008

MyTobii Smartbox machine

A severely handicapped little girl who cannot walk or talk has used a machine to tell her mother for the first time: 'I love you.'

Six-year-old Elke Wisbey, who was born brain-damaged, has been able to communicate with her family by using a high-tech gadget which tracks her eye movements.

The £17,000 MyTobii Smartbox machine from Sweden detects which icons Elke is looking at by using tiny lasers.

When her eyes settle on an icon on the screen of the Smartbox, a pre-programmed voice speaks the word or phrase for her.

Just a few days after setting up the equipment, Elke's parents, Glynnis and Matt Wisbey, described how their daughter started using her eyes to repeat the words 'I love you' over and over again.

Mrs. Wisbey, 43, who also has a son, Galahad, aged nine, said: 'I thought it was stuck and then I realised what she was saying.

'She was looking at the "I love you" icon and I couldn't believe it, she kept doing it.

'I said to Elke "are you telling Daddy you love him?" and she pointed at the icon "yes".

'It really choked me up, made me really emotional. I'm still emotional when I think about it.

'It was quite emotional. It is mind-blowing really. We have gone from somebody not being able to communicate to this.

'We didn't think Elke would ever be able to tell us how she was feeling, and now she can. This will be amazing for us, absolutely phenomenal.'

Readers of a local newspaper raised money to buy the specially-adapted machine for the family from Bearsted, Kent.

The Wisbey family are all learning how to help Elke use the machine, but the little girl, who will never be able to walk or talk for herself or feed herself, has mastered it more quickly than any of them.

She has already got to grips with a number of words and phrases and can also play games and browse the internet with it.

Mrs Wisbey said: 'Elke is an absolute delight to know. She smiles when she recognises people and places and she showers hugs on those she likes best.

'It's going to change our lives completely. We've been overwhelmed by people's support, it takes some people years to raise this kind of money and we've done it in a summer.

Saturday, 23 August 2008

Hula Chair

LOL. this chair is hilarious and i dont think its professional to have in a meeting .. or at the office.. it looks weird n funny!

Watch the chair in this vid: ^^

Hula Chair

Monday, 28 July 2008


If you have not tried Italian Ice Cream, then u should! i highly recommend..

Sorry im late! T-shirt!!

Cool t-shirt! i want one!! where can i buy it, if you know let me know pls! ^^ ..

Friday, 25 July 2008

I really like this design, i dont know who the designer is, so if u r or know who, please let me know! I like things that are colourful and this just something nice to look at! ^_^

Hellokitty ^(=^_^=)^

Lol, this design is hilarious! ^^
I personally am a fan of hellokitty and all cute stuff ... so i like this design! hehe

Sunday, 22 June 2008

Cool Jacket

Humorous Jacket! Clever!

Balance the Shelve

Shelve which tilts to one side, depending on the weight! Great!

Juice Squasher Teapot

Great Product! Simple, convenient & clean!

Cute Light Bulb

Adorable Light!! (o^__^o)

Thumb Thing Book Holder

Great idea! Simple, yet handy, small and it works!

Coat Hanger


Collapsable hanger, which folds back into a compact size.

Very great idea!

Disney iriver Mickey MP3

Really cute mp3 by iriver for Disney!
I Finally i got one, lime colour! <3

Shutter Shades

Cool shades, but its not UV protected!
I want one anyways!

The End of CSM Product Design 08

BA Product Design Degree Show 2008
Celebrated 70yrs of BA Product Design @ Central Saint Martins.
My degree show was also held this yr, which recently ended.